C'est la fête des pères est en fin de semaine! Et bien, voilà une belle occasion de faire plaisir à chéri et de lui offrir un cadeau qui n'a pas de prix. Le cadeau, c'est mon savoir faire et celui des nos fistons. Fiston cadet le grill comme vous le verrez plus loin et fiston aîné le vin après un an de stage intensif en France.
Un repas en cinq temps inoubliable et c'est le compte à rebours! Voici un indice du menu préparé à 6 mains. Ce texte est une composition que fiston cadet a rédigé, il y a trois ans pour son cours d'anglais de secondaire V. Je suis d'accord avec avec les trois premières phrases. Pour le reste, il pousse un peu mais je dois avouer que j'aime pas vraiment le boeuf alors oui, je le fais bien cuire ; )
From the Father to the SonCooking is an art. In any kind of art you need a lot of expertise to be a master. My mother is a great cook, she can do anything you want, from a simple Caesar salad to a boeuf bourgignon. But her amazing skills are limited in a way, when she is in front of a grill of a barbecue, it always goes bad. Each time she tries, the meat is too cooked. Here comes my father, he isn’t the best cook in town, but as man, he’s the king of the grill. Men must have a sixth sense for this. Like the feminine intuition, for men it’s the grill intuition.
This talent, I suppose, should be developed at the beginning of the teenage years. T-bones are the best piece of meat with which you can learn. I have learned with it. My father initiated me during the summer of my fourteenth birthday. He explained to me every detail and step for cooking a T-bone. First of all, you need to light up the barbecue. This is the dangerous part which is why most women are scared about barbecuing. So you turn the gas valve until you hear the gas filling out. Then you light it up with the charcoal lighter. It will make a huge heat wave of fire and it’s normal. By the way, it will impress everyone around. You wait around 2-5 minutes to let the barbecue get warm. After this short moment, you place the cold bloody piece of meat on the grill.
During the cooking, if you’ve got a real fat juicy T-bone, you can hear the extra fat that falls, when you’re flipping it, sizzling on the charcoal. Cooking T-bones don’t take that long, but they need a lot of attention and precision because it’s easy to overcook them. I suggest you avoid distractions, like girls in bikinis swimming in the pool. So, just keep your focus on the grill, it wait take more than five minutes.
But seriously, T-bones have significant value for me, Every time I cook a T-bone I am reminded of that old day when my father taught me all the secrets of a perfect T-bone. This is one of the greatest souvenirs of moments spent with my father. For me this simple bone surrounded by a tender beef meat means a lot.
When I eat a T-bone I always have that image of a strong, vigorous animal. He actually gave his life to feed us, what a noble purpose! Some native cultures thought that eating their enemies after fighting them made them stronger. Eating a piece of meat like that, I think, gives the same feeling.
With this big piece of meat, you need a big sauce. By big sauce, I mean a strong, tasty one, the best one, and probably the most famous one is black pepper sauce. Still now and probably for the rest of my life, this memory will be imprinted in my mind. I wish to continue this tradition from the father to the son and I hope that kind of tradition will last forever in every family.